We propose to add an optional Boolean attribute to the iati-activity element so that an activity can be flagged as requiring special processing. For publishers this will hopefully mean that time-sensitive information associated with humanitarian emergencies can be published more frequently than development activities. For users of information relating to humanitarian activity this allows for the quick identification of activities that require their attention.
Humanitarian Flag
Permanently deleted user Please see below for the technical implementation that is suggested in the Version 2.02 - Formal Proposal:
New attribute: iati-activity/@humanitarian
Add new attribute to the iati-activity element: humanitarian
Current usage
<iati-activity xml:lang="en" default-currency="USD" last-updated-datetime="2014-09-10T07:15:37Z" linked-data-uri="http://data.example.org/123456789" hierarchy="1">
</iati-standard> -
Proposed usage
<iati-activity xml:lang="en" default-currency="USD" last-updated-datetime="2014-09-10T07:15:37Z" humanitarian="1" linked-data-uri="http://data.example.org/123456789" hierarchy="1">
</iati-standard> -
Add definition:
‘A process flag to indicate that this activity relates entirely or partially to humanitarian aid’
New attribute: transaction/@humanitarian [ADDED 15-Oct-2015 based on advice][MODIFIED 27-Nov-2015, with improved definition]
Add new attribute to the transaction element: humanitarian
Current usage
<transaction ref="1234">
</transaction> -
Proposed usage
<transaction ref="1234" humanitarian="1">
</transaction> -
Add definition:
'A process flag to indicate that this transaction relates entirely or partially to humanitarian aid. If the entire activity relates to humanitarian aid this should be reported using iati-activity/@humanitarian, rather than for each transaction.'
Sean Foo In addition to this attribute in the activity node, it would also be helpful if it could also be at the transaction node, in case the activity is a mix of humanitarian and development but some transactions are specifically linked to humanitarian work.
<transaction ref="1234" humanitarian="1">
Permanently deleted user The proposal above has been modified based on this advice.
Permanently deleted user This proposal has been added as a GitHub issue, for inclusion in the version 2.02 development branch of the IATI-Schemas: https://github.com/IATI/IATI-Schemas/issues/277
Permanently deleted user This proposal has now been incorporated into a version 2.02 code repositories (see the above GitHub issue link for technical details). The relevant page on a development version of the 2.02 reference and documentation site are available to view for the iati-activity and transaction elements.
We welcome scrutiny on the implementation of this proposal and encourage the community to feedback and suggest solutions for any errors, omissions and problems. This should be done before Monday 7 December, when the process will commence to release version 2.02 as a live version of the IATI Standard. More information on the inspection phase is available here.